What is Mitecs® CPMS Solution?
It is known that “you cannot manage what you cannot measure”. Mitecs® Corporate Performance Management System is a comprehensive management solution that aims to increase that ability of the leadership and management team of the organization to monitor and manage the performance of the organization on different levels.
This Solution can be the basis of a business intelligence and decision making systems.
How does Mitecs® CPMS works?
Mitecs® CPMS links between corporate strategy and the day to day measurements that top and middle management need to keep monitoring continuously.
Based on the Balanced Scorecard, the consulting team provide organized, prioritized and manageable Key Performance Indicators that measure what should be managed on different levels of management in the organization.
The solution will not stop at this point; it will provide the client with tools and techniques needed to be able to make a good use of the outputs of the monitoring system through providing multiple views of the organization that provide the analytical information to take the correct leadership and management decisions.
What are the benefits of Mitecs® CPMS
– Linking between corporate strategy and day-to-day activities performed among all levels.
– Ability to have effective correlation between the strategy, business processes and measures.
– Reduce the cost of measurement.
– Improve business and financial planning processes.
– Provide all management levels of the organization with accurate information and measures about its behavior.
– Ability to measure targets and accomplishments of the organization to be able to update the strategy effectively.
– Better decision making for all management levels and better reporting tool that provide valuable information and effective recommendations.
– Setting a unified communication channels and language between decision makers and decision takers.
– Better analysis of problems and faster investigation of root causes of that problems.
– More effective change transition and implementation.
Mitecs® CPMS and IT
Mitecs® CPMS is not an IT solution, it is a consulting service that allows the organization to implement the IT solutions for performance management effectively and not to be guided by the IT solution.
Mitecs® CPMS solution will assist the organization to have its own performance management system, not having what others have or what the IT tool provides.
The consulting team will help the organization to have the best IT tool that suits its requirements and monitor its implementation and customization.